Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Final Photo Essay: My Morning Routine on a school day!

I have just woken up. There is a little bit of light shining in my room. It is still early. Im about to show you my mornings in my home!
Im fixing to start doing my hair and makeup. Then start picking out my clothes for the day ahead!
My clothes are all picked for my day ahead! Now I just need to Change into them.
Now that I am now fully clothed I must grab me some food for the day. I need to grab myself breakfast for the bus ride and some food for my lunch at school today!
After grabbing all my food, I begin to get my things ready for school. I plan on taking clothes to change into for swim class, my book to read, and then my food for the day!
Now that It is 6:00 am so I need to leave to catch the bus! Me and my cousin are leaving our house to walk 2 houses down the road to the bus stop.
Finally at 6;10 the bus begins coming down the road. You may not be able to see it but you can definitely hear the screeching from the worn out brakes!
As i step on the bus I get greeted by one of my friends Paige. We begin to talk, and laugh on the ride to school.
While we are sitting on the bus the bus driver, Jammie, starts staring at us. She told us we where being to loud!
My friend TJ decided to start poking me so I decided to take a picture of his face up close because i wanted to put the flash in his eyes! Thats what happens when you poke me!!!
Finally we get to school and it is time to start the day! Me and Paige get into our 3rd period together!
And now its time to start my day of learning! My morning is over sadly..... time for school.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Movie Posters

This poster captured my eye because it looks beautiful and elegant. Its not like a normal picture that you would see everyday. Plus the picture shows off the glass slipper which is very important. 

This is my favorite poster because im in love with The Outsiders! This one is great because it gives you some insight on the movie before you watch it. It also shows you the characters faces and there real mames but also tells you there names in the movie.

This caught my eye because it is really creepy but good! I remember walking through the mall and seeing this poster and I automatically wanted to see it!

Monday, April 11, 2016

1. We are as bright as the Magnolia sky, We always hold our heads up high!
2. We have a lot of things to do in Magnolia, we have the best Schools and the people here are all nice and sweet! don't forget that we have beautiful plants and animals!!!
3. Yes because that doesn't make since. You shouldnt have to explain what a slogan means you should just automatically get it.

Monday, March 21, 2016

W. Eugene Smith Questions

1. He spent 23 days with him because that amount of time is just enough to get the pictures that he needs because he spends time in many different places.
2. His signature photo is "The Country Doctor". It is a black and white picture of a doctor walking through grass and he is wearing a nice suit hat and hes caring a bag.
3. The established is the same picture as the signature
4.A close up picture is "The woes of youth" and in it there is a little boy who is getting his stiches taken ot by the doctor.
5.The clincher is the old man who dies at night. He is rapped up in a blanket and being carried out.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

  On March 2nd I decided to interview my favorite teacher Mrs. Kantu. I wanted to ask her about her teaching. I wanted to know somethings like why she became a teacher, the ups and downs, her favorite part, and just things like that. "In my U.S. History class in 8th grade my teacher came in dressed like Martha Washington and that is when I realized that i wanted to be a teacher." Mrs.Kantus has had most of her family members in education.
I asked her what her favorite part of the job was and she said, "I enjoy most the bonds that I make with my students." That really made me flattered because most teachers reply with they enjoy teaching but hers was different. Her least favorite thing was having to to do all the paperwork and the grading that goes along with teaching. "I could care less about grades," she told me," I don't see you as your grade." I wanted to know Mrs. Kantus most memorable moment and when I asked her she told me that she had two of them. Her most memorable one was when she had a student come out to her about his sexuality. She told me that that made her feel really happy knowing that that one student trusted her more than anything. The other moment for her was when she was working for an old school and her students through her a going away party,

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Photo journalist research

1.Because the types of photos that he takes where right after a war and they are all sad and depressing
2. I would see them in places with money because the photos look like they are trying to raise awareness
3.because people are having to struggle t survive and its scary
4.Dominent: the guy with the gun
   subordenant: The bedroom
5. To show how things are in Bosnia
6.It makes it more impartant because it makes you feel bad for them

1.Most of his photos show how others are living throughout the would and what they do to survive.
2.Where people dont really have to struggle to survive
3. Because it gets you thinking when you dont have to strugle like they do
4.Dominent: the boy
   Subordanent: the train
5.To let people know that not everything comes so easiely to others
6.To make you enjoy the things you have